Bird Guide 2nd edition (Latvian language)

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Edition of the year 2024
Size: 19.4cm x 13.5cm x 2.7cm
480 pages

Authotrs: Lāšs Svensons, Dans Seterstrems, Kilians Malernijs
Translator: Elīna Gulbe
Scientific Editor: Viesturs Ķerus
Text Editor: Elīna Kokareviča
Cover design: Līga Dubrovska
Publisher in Latvia: Jāņa sēta


The success of the Bird Guide (originally Collins Bird Guide) has delighted both its authors and publishers. It has been published in 23 languages and sold over a million copies. These numbers show that the guide’s creators — Swedish ornithologist Lars Svensson, his compatriot and illustrator Dan Zetterström, and Irish illustrator Killian Mullarney — have succeeded in creating a modern handbook for bird identification in nature that is valuable to avid birdwatchers, serious ornithologists, and those simply interested in birds.

The Bird Guide’s second edition in Latvian is a translation of the latest, 2023 release of the popular European bird guide’s third revised and expanded edition. This edition preserves the established sequence of bird orders and families.

With 32 additional pages, the guide allocates more space to various bird groups. These pages enhance existing content and add new illustration pages with more detailed text. Over 50 illustration pages are either new or have been fully or partially redrawn, and several new vignette illustrations are included. The rare visitor’s section has been expanded, with more images and longer descriptions added for some species. And, of course, the entire book’s text has been improved.

The guide includes:

  • all species found in the region, including the latest arrivals and newly scientifically identified species
  • detailed descriptions of 831 bird species (covering size, habitat, range, identifying features, and calls for each species)
  • accurate and colorful illustrations
  • distribution maps for bird species with up-to-date information on breeding, migration, and wintering sites
  • the book is not only translated but also supplemented with information relevant to Latvia.

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