Brilliant Maps: An Atlas for Curious Minds (Latvian language)

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Originally published in English by Granta Books under the title Brilliant Maps
Size: 24.5 x 19 cm
201 pages

Author: Ian Wright
Publisher in Latvia: Jāņa sēta
Translation into Latvian: Morics Roberts Mūrnieks, Lauma Jagare
Editor: Jānis Barbans
Artist: Līga Dubrovska
Cartography: Ingūna Pūkaine
Proofreader: Ilze Antēna


Revelatory, thought-provoking, and fun, Brilliant Maps is a unique atlas of culture, history, politics, and geography, compiled by the editor of the iconic Brilliant Maps website. As visually arresting as Information is Beautiful and as full of surprising facts and figures as any encyclopedia, Brilliant Maps is a stunning piece of cartography that explores our curious and varied planet.

The book’s author, Ian Wright, runs Brilliant Maps, one of the most popular and frequently visited online cartographic sites. In addition to being a cartophile, he’s also an avid walker. In 2015, he combined these two passions to become the first person to walk all of the newly expanded London Tube Map.

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