Book “Mad for Geography. Maps” (outlet)

Original price was: € 19.95.Current price is: € 10.50. ieskaitot PVN

“Mad for Geography” will be a great aid for both children and adults to discover the world we live in through geography! After reading the book, children will be able to interpret maps, understand symbols, and use the language of cartography.

Edition of the year 2023

Editor: Michele Suchomel-Casey, Janis Barbans
The book is published in Latvian language


Liko 3



The book “Mad for Geography. Maps” will uncover the fascinating world of geography for both children and adults, with a special focus on the field of cartography.

Starting from the tools used by the geographer and the cartographer, then passing on to present the various types of geographical maps and then, to follow, to understand how they are built, children will be taught to read, interpret correctly as well as create and use the maps to make them, read them and use them, through playful and fun activities that also include the use of stickers.

The book is intended for children aged 7 and older.