Loodusõpetuse Atlas 1.-6. klass

 3.70 include TAX

Natural History Atlas for Grades 1–6 in Estonian

First edition
Size 22 x 31.2 cm
24 pages
Board covers, clamped


The atlas is designed for the natural science class for the pupil of 1st to 6th grades.

Maps and pictures included in this edition allow to understand many topics related to the geography that are included in the natural science programme — space and Earth, structure of Earth, orientation and maps, Estonia, Europe, the World etc.

Atlas corresponds with the new educational programme and its standarts. Teachers and specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science havw given their consultations in preparation of this atlas.

Loodusõpetuse Atlas 1.-6. klass. Loodusteaduste õppeks. Erinevad temaatilised Eesti ja maailma kaardid; loodusprotsesse selgitavad illustratsioonid.

The original illustrations are made by a proffesional children book artist.