data and data services

We are owners of geospatial dataset which describes the territory of Latvia and Baltic States in high level of detail. Large amount of data can be retrieved through geoservices online programming interfaces (APIs), such as various basemap WMS services, address search (geocoding and reverse geocoding) API services, automotive routing, or street search services.

IT solutions

We are ready to create software that uses accurate geospatial data to solve specific customers’ needs and requests. Information systems allow us to see, analyze and process any geospatial information on the map. We offer more than 30 REST APIs for customers and partners to easily access and contribute to our geospatial data. We have developed geospatial solutions that address the diverse needs of our clients in various fields such as tourism, government administration, telecommunications, insurance, and packaging management.

Mobile applications

Every member in our family of mobile applications contains a map and each of them execute different functions. BalticMaps is a map browser with routing function and up-to-date information about traffic jams. Dabasdati (translation in English – Nature Data) is a feedback application where any registered user can mark the species of flora and fauna (AndroidiOS). Visit Tukums (Android) and Versts of Feelings (Android) are typical tourism applications where the map is supplemented with information about objects and hospitality services.

Map for GARMIN and Transport tracking

TUKS – transport monitoring and control tracking solution ensures the highest level of security for tracking data. The unique feature of TUKS is that the tracking data is stored and saved not on a third-party or service provider’s server but on the customer’s server. Latvia Map for Garmin navigation devices is the most accurate Latvia map for Garmin. Always up-to-date information about roads, addresses and points of interest. Easy to use and easy to find addresses in the countryside and towns.


Burtnieks is the toponym transcription platform, which provides more than 100,000 foreign toponym transcriptions in the Latvian language as well as allows one to find the names of toponyms transcribed in Latvian in their original language. The toponym database used in the solution is based on the Great World Atlas issued by “Jana seta”. Lithuanian and Estonian transcriptions are also available for some toponyms. A convenient interface allows you to find a toponym with the help of the search box, as well as to determine the type of the found toponym (settlement, administrative territory, river, etc.).


TerraLexicon is an automated translation solution for names on maps and other graphic files. The solution is available on the website and operates within Adobe Illustrator. The added value of TerraLexicon is the automated replacement of translated names directly in the file, thereby significantly reducing the time needed for editing. The project “Geoname translator for maps” (Est-Lat112) was created by Ltd “Jāņa sēta” (Latvia) in collaboration with Ltd Regio OÜ (Estonia). The project was implemented in the Estonian – Latvian (EST-LAT) cross-border cooperation program with the thematic objective of “Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs” priority axis “Active and attractive business environment.”

our works/customer references

Development of substantiation and geospatial planning platform for municipal reform

“During the preparation of local government reform, the ministry implemented a data-based reform model. The new platform is another supporting tool – data-based information that the ministry offers to municipalities to use while creating their own development scenarios and making the best possible decisions for the development of the territory during the process of merging.”

Juris Pūce, former Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development.

Self-service online map browser

MinKarta is a self-service online map browser which offers the user the opportunity to choose the place of interest on the map and order a paper print-out of it. It can be ones childhood place, favourite fishing area or just beautiful scenery of the map as the artwork. The browser provides six map scales to choose from, an option to place the sheet as portrait or landscape and to choose printout material between two paper types. I see this service as great addition to our product range and I am satisfied with the project implementation!”

Pedro Pettersson, CEO, Kartförlaget 1985 AB.

Latvijas Autoceļu uzturētājs

Development and maintenance of an Interactive Map Browser

“Jana seta has developed an interactive map browser for State Road Maintenance Service, as well as ensures its maintenance. Interactive online map browser is a daily tool for us – it contains the cartographic map base and special layers of information (real estate objects, data about the Latvian state roads, etc.).  The interactive map has been developed and is available only for our internal use, thus ensuring convenient browsing of resources online and improving the performance of daily work. During the cooperation, Jana seta has been ensuring further development, according to our needs and requirements, as well as efficient communication when any maintenance issue occurred.”

Raitis Šteinbergs, Head of Technological Process Development Department, State Road Maintenance Service in Latvia.



CEO, executive manager,
Geospatial solutions business unit

Phone: +371 67317540, +371 29465511

We are open for new ideas and customized solutions. Please contact us to get an offer for realization of your ideas!